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Company profile

                              (Certified Public Accountant Office)  

Location:               2-1-3 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0041

                   Kitahama Seiyu Kaikan 2nd floor

Representative:   Masayuki Tominaga (Certified Public Accountant & Tax Accountant

Founded:               2006


Masayuki Tominaga

Certified Public Accountant Tax Accountant 

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Kwansei Gakuin University 

After retiring from a major audit firm (Arthur Andersen), he worked at Kikuo Tanaka Certified Public Tax Accountant Office and established TOMINAGA TAXACCOUNTING (Certified Public Accountant Office). 

He also serves as the representative of M&G, an audit firm, and specializes in company law audits, public interest corporation audits,

He also engaged in hospital audits and school corporation audits. Appointed as an external auditor and auditor of a public interest incorporated foundation, and as a third-party committee member when fraud occurs in a listed company.


Specialty: Accounting and taxation for small and medium-sized enterprises, corporate valuation

Co-authored: "ABC Management Theory and Introduction Method" (Diamond)


Please do not hesitate to contact us

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