We aim to provide truly dedicated management support

TOMINAGA TAX & ACCOUNTING is a Certified Public Accountant office.
We have a long history of supporting the growth and development of our client companies. We believe that the mission of an accounting firm is to provide timely quantification of management indicators to help management make decisions at a moment's notice. Furthermore, we propose the most appropriate tax planning, incorporating annual changes in tax laws and regulations.
We support clients in Japanese, in English and in French.
We are a supporting company of O-BIC (Osaka Business and Investment Center) and a member of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan

Our services
Osaka :
Kitahama Seiyu Kaikan 2F, 2-1-3 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, 541-0041, Osaka, Japan
Tel: 090-2304-6031
Fax: 06-6125-5382